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2.5 所有路径的总得分

上节中,我们介绍了如何计算一个路径的标签得分 e S i e^{S_i} eSi,那么,还有一个问题需要解决,即怎么计算所有路径的总得分: P t o t a l = P 1 + P 2 + … + P N = e S 1 + e S 2 + … + e S N P_{total} = P_1 + P_2 + … + P_N = e^{S_1} + e^{S_2} + … + e^{S_N} Ptotal=P1+P2++PN=eS1+eS2++eSN



Step 1:回顾CRF损失函数

L o s s F u n c t i o n = P R e a l P a t h P 1 + P 2 + . . . + P N LossFunction=\frac{P_{RealPath}}{P_1+P_2+...+P_N} LossFunction=P1+P2+...+PNPRealPath


L o g L o s s F u n c t i o n = l o g P R e a l P a t h P 1 + P 2 + . . . + P N LogLossFunction=log\frac{P_{RealPath}}{P_1+P_2+...+P_N} LogLossFunction=logP1+P2+...+PNPRealPath


L o g L o s s F u n c t i o n LogLossFunction LogLossFunction
= − l o g P R e a l P a t h P 1 + P 2 + . . . + P N =-log\frac{P_{RealPath}}{P_1+P_2+...+P_N} =logP1+P2+...+PNPRealPath
= − l o g e S R e a l P a t h e S 1 + e S 2 + . . . + e S N =-log\frac{e^{S_{RealPath}}}{e^{S_1}+e^{S_2}+...+e^{S_N}} =logeS1+eS2+...+eSNeSRealPath
= − ( l o g ( e S R e a l P a t h ) − l o g ( e S 1 + e S 2 + . . . + e S N ) =-(log(e^{S_{RealPath}})-log(e^{S_1}+e^{S_2}+...+e^{S_N}) =(log(eSRealPath)log(eS1+eS2+...+eSN)
= − ( S R e a l P a t h − l o g ( e S 1 + e S 2 + . . . + e S N ) =-(S_{RealPath}-log(e^{S_1}+e^{S_2}+...+e^{S_N}) =(SRealPathlog(eS1+eS2+...+eSN)
= − ( ∑ i = 1 N x i y i + ∑ i = 1 N − 1 t y i y i + 1 − l o g ( e S 1 + e S 2 + . . . + e S N ) =-(\sum_{i=1}^{N}x_{iy_i}+\sum_{i=1}^{N-1}t_{y_iy_{i+1}}-log(e^{S_1}+e^{S_2}+...+e^{S_N}) =(i=1Nxiyi+i=1N1tyiyi+1log(eS1+eS2+...+eSN)

在之前的章节中,我们已经知道了如何计算真实路径得分,现在我们需要找到一种有效的方法来计算 l o g ( e S 1 + e S 2 + . . . + e S N ) log(e^{S_1}+e^{S_2}+...+e^{S_N}) log(eS1+eS2+...+eSN)


x = [ w 0 , w 1 , w 2 ] \mathbf{x} = [w_0, w_1, w_2] x=[w0,w1,w2]
L a b e l S e t = { l 1 , l 2 } LabelSet = \{l_1,l_2\} LabelSet={

l 1 \mathbf{l_1} l1 l 2 \mathbf{l_2} l2
w 0 \mathbf{w_0} w0 x 01 x_{01} x01 x 02 x_{02} x02
w 1 \mathbf{w_1} w1 x 11 x_{11} x11 x 12 x_{12} x12
w 2 \mathbf{w_2} w2 x 21 x_{21} x21 x 22 x_{22} x22

x i j x_{ij} xij w i w_i wi被标记为 l j l_j lj的得分。


l 1 \mathbf{l_1} l1 l 2 \mathbf{l_2} l2
l 1 \mathbf{l_1} l1 t 11 t_{11} t11 t 12 t_{12} t12
l 2 \mathbf{l_2} l2 t 21 t_{21} t21 t 22 t_{22} t22

t i j t_{ij} tij是标签从 i i i j j j的转移得分。

Step3:计算(备好纸和笔 again)

提示: 我们的目标是计算 log ⁡ ( e S 1 + e S 2 + … + e S N ) \log(e^{S_1} + e^{S_2} + … + e^{S_N}) log(eS1+eS2++eSN)

上式的计算是一个累加过程,其思想和动态编程相似(即使你不了解动态编程,你也可以继续,我会一步一步解释示例的,但是还是强烈推荐您去学习一下动态编程算法), w 0 w_0 w0所有路径的总得分计算后,要计算 w 0 → w 1 w_0 → w_1 w0w1的总得分,然后我们利用上述总得分计算 w 0 → w 1 → w 2 w_0 → w_1 → w_2 w0w1w2的得分,该得分就是我们所需要的最终得分。


w 0 w_0 w0:

o b s = [ x 01 , x 02 ] obs = [x_{01}, x_{02}] obs=[x01,x02]

p r e v i o u s = N o n e previous = None previous=None

如果该语句中仅有一个单词 w 0 w_0 w0,我们没有之前的词的结果,所以 previous 为 None。此外,我们也只能获取到第一个单词,其信息 o b s = [ x 01 , x 02 ] obs = [x_{01}, x_{02}] obs=[x01,x02],其中 x 01 x_{01} x01 x 02 x_{02} x02即上述所说的发射得分。

那么 w 0 w_0 w0所有可能路径的总得分即为:
T o t a l S c o r e ( w 0 ) = log ⁡ ( e x 01 + e x 02 ) TotalScore(w_0)=\log (e^{x_{01}} + e^{x_{02}}) TotalScore(w0)=log(ex01+ex02)

w 0 w_0 w0 w 1 w_1 w1:

o b s = [ x 11 , x 12 ] obs = [x_{11}, x_{12}] obs=[x11,x12]

p r e v i o u s = [ x 01 , x 02 ] previous = [x_{01}, x_{02}] previous=[x01,x02]

1)将 previous扩展为:

p r e v i o u s = ( x 01 x 01 x 02 x 02 ) previous=(\begin{matrix} x_{01} & x_{01} \\ x_{02} & x_{02}\end{matrix}) previous=(x01x02x01x02)
2)将 obs 扩展为:
o b s = ( x 11 x 12 x 11 x 12 ) obs=(\begin{matrix} x_{11} & x_{12} \\ x_{11} & x_{12}\end{matrix}) obs=(x11x11x12x12)


3)将 previous obs和转移得分进行相加:

s c o r e s = ( x 01 x 01 x 02 x 02 ) + ( x 11 x 12 x 11 x 12 ) + ( t 11 t 12 t 21 t 22 ) scores=(\begin{matrix} x_{01} & x_{01} \\ x_{02} & x_{02}\end{matrix})+(\begin{matrix} x_{11} & x_{12} \\ x_{11} & x_{12}\end{matrix})+(\begin{matrix} t_{11} & t_{12} \\ t_{21} & t_{22}\end{matrix}) scores=(x01x02x01x02)+(x11x11x12x12)+(t11t21t12t22)

s c o r e s = ( x 01 + x 11 + t 11 x 01 + x 12 + t 12 x 02 + x 11 + t 21 x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) scores=(\begin{matrix} x_{01}+ x_{11}+t_{11} & x_{01} +x_{12}+t_{12}\\ x_{02}+x_{11}+ t_{21} & x_{02}+ x_{12}+ t_{22}\end{matrix}) scores=(x01+x11+t11x02+x11+t21x01+x12+t12x02+x12+t22)

更新 previous:

p r e v i o u s = [ l o g ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) , l o g ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) ] previous=[log(e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}}+e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}}),log(e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}}+e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})] previous=[log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21),log(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)]

这样,第二轮迭代就完成了,从 w 0 → w 1 w_0 → w_1 w0w1的所有路径: ( l a b e l 1 label_1 label1 l a b e l 1 label_1 label1, l a b e l 1 label_1 label1 l a b e l 2 label_2 label2, l a b e l 2 label_2 label2 l a b e l 1 label_1 label1, l a b e l 2 label_2 label2 l a b e l 2 label_2 label2),其总得分可以用下式计算:

T o t a l S c o r e ( w 0 → w 1 ) TotalScore(w_0 → w_1) TotalScore(w0w1)
= log ⁡ ( e p r e v i o u s [ 0 ] + e p r e v i o u s [ 1 ] ) =\log (e^{previous[0]} + e^{previous[1]}) =log(eprevious[0]+eprevious[1])
= log ⁡ ( e log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) + e log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) ) =\log (e^{\log(e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})}+ e^{\log(e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})} ) =log(elog(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)+elog(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22))
= log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 + e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) =\log(e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}}+e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}}+e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}}+e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}}) =log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21+ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)

这就是我们的目标 log ⁡ ( e S 1 + e S 2 + … + e S N ) \log(e^{S_1} + e^{S_2} + … + e^{S_N}) log(eS1+eS2++eSN)


  • S 1 = x 01 + x 11 + t 11 S_1 = x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11} S1=x01+x11+t11 ( l a b e l 1 label_1 label1 l a b e l 1 label_1 label1)
  • S 2 = x 02 + x 11 + t 21 S_2 = x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21} S2=x02+x11+t21 ( l a b e l 2 label_2 label2 l a b e l 1 label_1 label1)
  • S 3 = x 01 + x 12 + t 12 S_3 = x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12} S3=x01+x12+t12 ( l a b e l 1 label_1 label1 l a b e l 2 label_2 label2)
  • S 4 = x 02 + x 12 + t 22 S_4 = x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22} S4=x02+x12+t22 ( l a b e l 2 label_2 label2 l a b e l 2 label_2 label2)

w 0 w_0 w0 w 1 w_1 w1 w 2 w_2 w2:

o b s = [ x 21 , x 22 ] obs = [x_{21}, x_{22}] obs=[x21,x22]
p r e v i o u s = [ log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) , log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) ] previous=[\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}}), \log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})] previous=[log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21),log(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)]


p r e v i o u s = ( log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) ) previous=\left( \begin{matrix}\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}}) & \log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})\\\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})&\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})\end{matrix}\right) previous=(log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)log(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)log(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22))
o b s = ( x 21 x 22 x 21 x 22 ) obs = \left( \begin{matrix} x_{21} & x_{22}\\ x_{21} & x_{22} \end{matrix}\right) obs=(x21x21x22x22)
3)将 previous,obs和转移得分加起来:

s c o r e s = ( log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) ) + ( x 21 x 22 x 21 x 22 ) + ( t 11 t 12 t 21 t 22 ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix}\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}}) & \log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})\\\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})&\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})\end{matrix}\right)+\left( \begin{matrix} x_{21} & x_{22}\\ x_{21} & x_{22} \end{matrix}\right)+(\begin{matrix} t_{11} & t_{12} \\ t_{21} & t_{22}\end{matrix}) scores=(log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)log(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)log(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22))+(x21x21x22x22)+(t11t21t12t22)

s c o r e s = ( log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) + x 21 + t 11 log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) + x 22 + t 12 log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) + x 21 + t 21 log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) + x 22 + t 22 ) scores=\left( \begin{matrix}\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})+x_{21}+ t_{11} & \log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})+x_{22}+t_{12}\\\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})+x_{21}+t_{21}&\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} +e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})+ x_{22}+ t_{22}\end{matrix}\right) scores=(log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)+x21+t11log(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)+x21+t21log(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)+x22+t12log(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)+x22+t22)
p r e v i o u s = [ previous =[ previous=[
log ⁡ e log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) + x 21 + t 11 + e log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) + x 22 + t 12 ) , log ⁡ ( e log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) + x 21 + t 21 + e log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) + x 22 + t 22 ) \begin{matrix} \log e^{\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})+x_{21}+ t_{11}}+e^{\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})+x_{22}+t_{12}}),\\\log(e^{\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})+x_{21}+t_{21}}+e^{\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} +e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})+ x_{22}+ t_{22}})\end{matrix} logelog(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)+x21+t11+elog(ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)+x22+t12),log(elog(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)+x21+t21+elog(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)+x22+t22)
] ] ]
= [ log ⁡ ( ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) e x 21 + t 11 + ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) e x 21 + t 21 ) , =[\log( (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})e^{x_{21} + t_{11}} + (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})e^{x_{21} + t_{21}} ), =[log((ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)ex21+t11+(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)ex21+t21),
log ⁡ ( ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) e x 22 + t 12 + ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) e x 22 + t 22 ) ] \log( (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})e^{x_{22} + t_{12}} + (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})e^{x_{22} + t_{22}})] log((ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)ex22+t12+(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)ex22+t22)]
T o t a l S c o r e ( w 0 → w 1 → w 2 ) TotalScore(w_0 → w_1 → w_2) TotalScore(w0w1w2)
= log ⁡ ( e p r e v i o u s [ 0 ] + e p r e v i o u s [ 1 ] ) =\log (e^{previous[0]} + e^{previous[1]}) =log(eprevious[0]+eprevious[1])
= log ⁡ ( e log ⁡ ( ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) e x 21 + t 11 + ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) e x 21 + t 21 ) =\log (e^{\log( (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})e^{x_{21} + t_{11}} + (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})e^{x_{21} + t_{21}} )} =log(elog((ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)ex21+t11+(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)ex21+t21)
+ e log ⁡ ( ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 ) e x 22 + t 12 + ( e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 ) e x 22 + t 22 ) ) +e^{\log( (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}})e^{x_{22} + t_{12}} + (e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}} + e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}})e^{x_{22} + t_{22}})} ) +elog((ex01+x11+t11+ex02+x11+t21)ex22+t12+(ex01+x12+t12+ex02+x12+t22)ex22+t22))

= log ⁡ ( e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + x 21 + t 11 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 + x 21 + t 11 =\log (e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}+x_{21}+t_{11}}+e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}+x_{21}+t_{11}} =log(ex01+x11+t11+x21+t11+ex02+x11+t21+x21+t11

+ e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + x 21 + t 21 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 + x 21 + t 21 +e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}+x_{21}+t_{21}}+e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}+x_{21}+t_{21}} +ex01+x12+t12+x21+t21+ex02+x12+t22+x21+t21
+ e x 01 + x 11 + t 11 + x 22 + t 12 + e x 02 + x 11 + t 21 + x 22 + t 12 +e^{x_{01}+x_{11}+t_{11}+x_{22}+t_{12}}+e^{x_{02}+x_{11}+t_{21}+x_{22}+t_{12}} +ex01+x11+t11+x22+t12+ex02+x11+t21+x22+t12
+ e x 01 + x 12 + t 12 + x 22 + t 22 + e x 02 + x 12 + t 22 + x 22 + t 22 ) +e^{x_{01}+x_{12}+t_{12}+x_{22}+t_{22}}+e^{x_{02}+x_{12}+t_{22}+x_{22}+t_{22}}) +ex01+x12+t12+x22+t22+ex02+x12+t22+x22+t22)


我们已经得到了目标: log ⁡ ( e S 1 + e S 2 + … + e S N ) \log(e^{S_1} + e^{S_2} + … + e^{S_N}) log(eS1+eS2++eSN),因为该示例中,这一句话中有3个词,有两个标签,因此,总共有8个可能的路径。





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